Our Services

Our Services


Self Photos / Files - alone-husband-signing-divorce-agreement-

While most of our services are commercially oriented, we have specific division for matrimonial issues. Services provided include:


  • Preparation of separation deed
  • Petitioning for divorce
  • Application for injunction against domestic violence
  • Application for ancillary relief and/or custody
  • Wardship and guardianship matters
  • Application in relation to nullity and separation
  • Declaration of Parentage


We approach each client's circumstances carefully, finding the most effective way to provide for your needs. We take you through the legal processes as swiftly as possible because we understand the stress that matrimonial matters bring. Generally, the legal processes of divorce would take 4 to 6 months. More time is needed if it involves the custody and monetary disputes.


Getting a divorce in Hong Kong is that the divorce can be recognised by all common law countries (USA, Canada, Australia etc.). We assist Filipino domestic helper to divorce in Hong Kong because to annual a marriage in the Philippines is extremely complicated.


If you are a foreign domestic helper and your financial resource is lower than $20,000, you are eligible to apply for legal aid and the Legal Aid Department will cover all the expenses incurred in the divorce process. To learn more about divorce in Hong Kong, please do not hesitate to contact us.